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Neck and Chin

Fat Dissolving


Say goodbye to stubborn fat with our fat dissolving treatment, which is designed to sculpt your body without surgery. Our treatment delivers safe and effective results and is a great way to boost your confidence and enhance your natural beauty. 

At the Apex Clinic our specially trained Pharmacist uses either Aqualyx, Deso Face or Deso Body. These are CE certified fat dissolvers meaning they have met EU safety standards and are licensed for use in the UK. The active ingredient in these is deoxycholic acid which is naturally found in our body to break down and dissolve dietary fats. When injected into the fat layer it destroys the cell membranes and emulsifies the fat which is then naturally removed from the body over time. 

How long does it take to work?


Most areas need 3-6 treatments at 4 week intervals to reach the required result. We offer a discount for booking a course of 3 treatments which then gives you a discounted rate for any additional treatments needed. 

What areas can be treated?​

Most stubborn pockets of fat such as double chin, jowls, lower face (buccal fat pads), bingo wings, abdomen, inner or outer thighs, flanks, hips, back fat(under bra line). They are only suitable for stubborn fat and not general weight loss if you are very overweight.

Is there any pain or risk?​


Anaesthetic is mixed with the fat dissolver to make it more comfortable. We can also apply an anaesthetic cream before treatment. Most common side effects are redness, irritation, some swelling or slight pain at the injection site.  More rarely allergic reactions, pigmentation and temporary nodules may develop. 

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