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Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are perfect for those looking to enhance their natural beauty and fight signs of aging. We use hyaluronic acid to fill and lift areas that may have lost volume over time, leaving you with a more youthful appearance. Our treatments are designed to provide a natural-looking enhancement that will boost your confidence and leave you feeling radiant.


Our expert team is skilled in the art of facial sculpting and rebalancing, using only the highest quality products for a natural-looking finish. Our focus on proportion and balance ensures that every treatment we provide delivers results that look both beautiful and harmonious - and we specialize in male aesthetics too. 


If you're unsure if fillers are right for you or want to discuss options book in for a free consultation. During this we can discuss what bothers you most, complete a full facial analysis and come up with a plan together. 

What fillers do you use?​


The prices quoted in our price list are for Juvederm. On consultation we may occasionally recommend a different filler for a specific purpose. We will only use CE approved products to ensure their quality and safety.

Is it painful?


We will usually apply numbing cream beforehand to ensure your comfort. Most fillers after numbing cream are comfortable although some people still find lip fillers a bit uncomfortable. On consultation, for an additional charge, we may be able to give you a nerve block to numb the lips almost like being at the dentist. This should make it more comfortable but the numbing effect will last a few hours.

Can you dissolve fillers I've had somewhere else?​


If you know the type of filler you have had then we can have a consultation to discuss. After dissolving you would need to wait 2 weeks before having any new filler. 

Are fillers safe?​


We only use hyaluronic acid based fillers which can be dissolved using hyaluronidase. There is a risk that the filler could be injected into a blood vessel which could block it preventing blood supply to tissue. If left and at worst case this could cause tissue necrosis and blindness. Our Pharmacist is highly trained at injecting as safely as possible and looking out for any complications. There is always hyaluronidase to hand in the clinic in the unlikely event any problems do occur. The most important thing is that it is detected and dealt with in a timely manner.

Will I bruise?​


In short, possibly. The most likely area to bruise are the lips. We try our best to avoid bruising but it is not always possible. For most other areas small pin prick bruising if anything is more likely. There are a few things you can do before and after to avoid bruising; avoid alcohol for 24 hours before and after, avoid vigorous exercise for 2 days after, apply a cold compress immediately after treatment, applying a vitamin K and arnica cream after treatment. We can supply an excellent post treatment vitamin K and arnica cream to minimise bruising.

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